赵榈,男,1986年2月出生,博士,讲师,硕士生导师,湖南湘潭人。主要从事神经网络、非线性动力学、智能机械臂控制、无人机飞控以及集成电路设计的研究工作。在《Mathematics and Computers in Simulation》、《Neural Computing and Applications》、《Journal of Circuits, System and Computers》、《IEEE ACCESS》、《International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications》以及《Wireless Communications》等学术期刊上发表相关论文。
3.1 主持的代表性科研项目
3.2 代表性科研论著
[1] Lv Zhao, Huaiyuan Shao, Xiaolei Yang, Xin Liu, Zhijun Tang and Hairong Lin, A novel zeroing neural network for dynamic sylvester equation solving and robot trajectory tracking, Frontiers in Physics, 2023.
[2] Jin J, Zhu JC, Zhao L, Chen L, Chen L, Gong JQ, A Robust Predefined-Time Convergence Zeroing Neural Network for Dynamic Matrix Inversion, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2023.
[3] L. Zhao, J. Jin, J. Gong. A novel robust fixed-time convergent zeroing neural network for solving time-varying noise-polluted nonlinear equations, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2021.
[4] L. Zhao, J. Jin, J. Gong. Robust zeroing neural network for fixed-time kinematic control of wheeled mobile robot in noise-polluted environment, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2021.
[5] Jin J, Zhao L, Li M, Yu F, Xi Z. Improved zeroing neural networks for finite time solving nonlinear equations. Neural Computing and Applications, 2020.
[6] Jin Jie, Zhao Lv. Low Voltage Low Power Fully Integrated Chaos Generator. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 2018, 27(10): 1850155.(SCI收录)
[7] Jin Jie, Zhou Kai-Qing, Zhao Lv. Designing RF Ring Oscillator Using Current-Mode Technology. IEEE ACCESS, 2017, 5:5306-5312.(SCI收录)
[8] Lv Zhao, Chunhua Wang. A Linearized and Low Noise CMOS Mixer with B-type Amplifier-based Sub-harmonic Balun. International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 2016.
[9] Lv Zhao, Chunhua Wang. A Low Power High Gain CMOS LNA with Multiple-Feedback Network for Low Voltage UWB Receiver. Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, 2016.
[10] Lv Zhao, Chunhua Wang. A Novel Low Voltage Low Power High Linearity Self-biasing Current-reuse Up-conversion Mixer. Wireless Personal Communications, 2015.
[11] Lv Zhao, Chunhua Wang. A Novel CMOS CCCII Based on Cross-Coupled Differential Transistor Pair and Its Applications. Wireless Personal Communications, 2015.