王艳,女,1983.03,博士,教授,湖南省一流本科专业建设点“电子信息工程”专业负责人。近年来,主持国家自然科学基金项目3项、中国博士后基金项目1项,湖南省教育厅项目1项等,获2011-2013年湘潭市自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖和学术成果奖,2015-2016学年度湖南科技大学青年岗位能手,2012年度湖南科技大学校“优秀班主任”,湖南大学优秀博士学位论文获得者,曾聘为湘潭市企业科技特派专家。合作出版专著1部(高等教育出版社),以第一作者或通信作者在《IChemical Reviews》《Acta Mechanica》《Applied Physics Letters》《Extreme Mechanics Letters》等国际学术期刊发表学术论文30多篇,其中SCI收录20多篇。
3.1 主持的代表性科研项目
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“锂硫电池多硫化物界面失效的键弛豫理论表征与溶硫机理研究”,项目编号:11972157,研究年度:2020.01-2023.12
[2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目“锂离子电池核壳结构电极材料界面结合性能的键弛豫理论研究”, 项目编号:11402086,研究年度:2015.1-2017.12
[3] 国家自然科学基金主任基金“键弛豫理论表征韧性薄膜界面结合性能”, 项目编号:11242005,研究年度:2013.1-2013.12
[4] 中国博士后科学基金“基于键弛豫理论的膜/基体系的界面结合性能表征”,项目编号:2012M511738,研究年度:2012.5-2013.6
3.2 代表性科研论著
[1] X.J. Liu, X. Zhang, M. Bo, L. Li, H.W. Tian, Y.G. Nie, Y. Sun, S.Q. Xu*, Y. Wang*, W.T. Zheng, C. Q*. Sun*. Coordination-resolved elecron spectrometrics. Chemical Reviews, 115, 6746-6810 (2015) (IF: 52.613)
[2] S. Dan, D. Wang, Y. Wang*. Non-metal doped Fe–C2N as an electrocatalyst for oxygen reduction reaction: a density functional calculation. New Journal of Chemistry, 47, 20151 (2023)
[3] G. X. Dong, Y. Wang*, W. J. Jiang, Y.L. Zou, Z. S. Ma. Interface adhesion properties characterization of sulfide electrodematerials by the combination of BOLS and XPS. Science China Technological Sciences, 65, 1798 (2022)
[4] Y. Wang*, H. Wu, L.Z. Sun, W. J. Jiang, C. S. Lu, Z. S. Ma. Coupled electrochemical-mechanical modeling with strain gradient plasticity for lithium-ion battery electrodes. European Journal of Mechanics / A Solids, 87, 104230 (2021)
[5] G. X. Dong, H. J. Li, Y. Wang*, W. J. Jiang, Z. S. Ma. Electrospun PAN/cellulose composite separator for high performance lithium-ion battery. Ionics, 27, 2955-2965 (2021)
[6] M.S. Sang, Y.X. Chen, W.J. Jiang, Y. Wang*, Y.L. Zou, Z.S. Ma*. Damage and fracture with strain gradient plasticity for high-capacity electrodes of Li-ion batteries[J]. Science China Technological Sciences, 64,1575–1582 (2021)
[7] Y. Wang*,J. Zhang. Ultrafine TiO2(B) nanowires for ultrahigh-rate lithium-ion batteries. Ionics, 26, 1159-1164 (2020)
[8] H. Wu, Z. Xie, Y. Wang*, P. Zhang, L. Sun, C Lu, Z. S. Ma*. A constitutive model coupling irradiation with two-phase lithiation for lithium-ion battery electrodes. Philosophical Magazine, 99, 992-1013 (2019)
[9] Y. Wang, Y.J. Pu, Z. S. Ma*, Y. Pan, C. Q. Sun*. Interfacial adhesion energy of lithium-ion battery electrodes. Extreme Mechanics Letters, 9, 226–236 (2016)
[10] Y. Wang, Z. S. Ma*, W. X. Lei, Y. L. Zou, C. S. Lu. Double effect of electrochemical reaction and substrate on hardness in electrodes of lithium-ion batteries. Acta Mechanica, 227, 2505–2510 (2016)
[11] Y. Wang, X. X. Yang, J. W. Li, Z. F. Zhou, W. T. Zheng, C. Q. Sun*. Number-of-layer discriminated graphene phonon softening and stiffening. Applied Physics Letters, 99, 163109 (2011)
[12] Y. Wang, Z. S. Ma*, C. S. Lu*. A twins-structural Sn@C core–shell composite as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries. Composite Interfaces, 23, 273-280 (2016)
[13] W. Zhou, M. Bo, Y. Wang*, Y. Huang, C. Li, C. Q. Sun*. Local bond-electron-energy relaxation of Mo atomic clusters and solid skins. RSC Advances, 5, 29663 (2015)
[14] Y. Wang*. Effects of indenter angle and friction on the mechanical properties of film materials. Results in Physics, 6, 509–514 (2016)
[15] M. Bo, Y. Wang*, Y. Huang, W. Zhou, C. Li, C. Q. Sun*. Coordination-resolved local bond relaxation and electron binding-energy shift of Pb solid skins and atomic clusters. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2, 6090-6096 (2014)
[16] Y. Wang*, W. Wang. Pitaya-Like sulfur electrodes by chemically anchored polyaniline shell for lithium-sulfur batteries. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, 12, 11929 – 11941 (2017)
[17] Y. Wang, Y. G. Nie,J. S. Pan, L.K. Pan, Z. Sun,C. Q. Sun*. Layer and orientation resolved bond relaxation and quantum entrapment of charge and energy at Be surfaces. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12, 12753-12759 (2010)
[18] Y. Wang, Y. G. Nie, J. S. Pan, L. K. Pan, Z. Sun, C. Q. Sun*. Orientation-resolved 3d5/2 energy shift of Rh and Pd surfaces: Anisotropy of the skin-depth lattice strain and quantum trapping. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12,2177-2182 (2010)
[19] M. Bo, Y. Wang*, Y. Huang, Y. Liu, C. Li, C. Q. Sun*. Atomistic spectrometrics of local bond-electron-energy pertaining to Na and K clusters. Applied Surface Science, 325, 33-38 (2015)
[20] M. Bo, Y. Wang*, Y. Huang, X. Zhang, T. Zhang, C. Li, C. Q. Sun*. Coordination-resolved local bond contraction and electron binding-energy entrapment of Si atomic clusters and solid skins. Journal of Applied Physics, 115, 144309 (2014)
[21] C. Q. Sun*, Y. Wang, Y. G. Nie, B. R. Mehta, Manika Khanuja, S. M. Shivaprasad, Y. Sun, J. S. Pan, L. K. Pan and Z. Sun. Charge polarization and quantum trapping at the AgPd and the CuPd bimetallic alloy interfaces. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12,3131-3135 (2010)
[22] Y. Wang, Y. G. Nie, L.L. Wang, C. Q. Sun*. Atomic-layer and crystal-orientation resolved 3d5/2 binding energy shift of Ru(0001) and Ru(10
0) surfaces. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114, 1226-1230 (2010)
[23] Y. Wang, Y. G. Nie, L.K. Pan, Zh. Sun, C. Q. Sun*. Potential barrier generation at the BeW interface blocking thermonuclear radiation. Applied Surface Science, 257, 3603–3606 (2011)
[24] W. Qin, Y. Wang*, Y. L. Huang, Z. F. Zhou, C. Yang, C. Q. Sun*. Bond Order Resolved 3d5/2 and Valence Band Chemical Shifts of Ag Surfaces and Nanoclusters. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 116, 7892-7897 (2012)
[25] 孙长庆,黄勇力,王艳,化学键的弛豫,北京:高等教育出版社,2017,获2016年度国家科学技术学术著作出版基金
[1] 石墨烯层数致声子硬化与软化,2011-2013年湘潭市自然科学优秀学术论文学术成果奖和一等奖,排名第一
[2] 2023年获湖南科技大学“芙蓉百岗明星”
[3] 2016年获湖南科技大学“青年岗位能手”